The use of a video call center in the medical field dates back many years. One such is telemedicine, which has been used to diagnose and treat patients since the 1950s but is considerably less successful than with modern video technology.

For decades, doctors have relied on medical video conferencing to help them communicate with patients and other healthcare professionals. The video call center coming to the market meets the demands of calling, video conferencing, and managing patients’ information within a seamless platform. 

The advantages of video call centers in healthcare, however, didn't fully take off until after a widespread epidemic. Since COVID-19 went into effect, the use of video call centers has grown.

Benefits of Video Call Center for Healthcare

Video call centers benefit healthcare in various aspects.

Reach Out And Help More People

The number of patients that many healthcare service providers can treat is restricted by resource availability. For instance, being physically apart makes it more difficult for healthcare professionals to see some patients, especially those who live far away.

The use of video conferencing eliminates distance barriers. Healthcare service providers can meet patients who are far away, in distant areas, or who are immobile and unable to go to medical facilities by using video calls. Importantly, in-person multimedia contact enables medical professionals to communicate with patients efficiently, enabling them to obtain high-quality healthcare.

Handle Emergencies Easy

There are many instances where video conferencing has been used to save a patient's life in emergencies, from doctors being able to diagnose a drop in oxygen saturation in their patients to doctors being able to identify the symptoms of an ailment and recommend treatment before things get worse. To make the best choice possible in an emergency, doctors have also used video conferencing to consult with other experts.

In addition to raising the standard of healthcare services, video conferencing also contributes to lifesaving.

Improves The Quality Of Healthcare Services

Specialist healthcare service providers can reach the rural population by employing video conferencing, enabling rural patients to access specialized care that they otherwise could not have.

For instance, rural patients can obtain specialist care from doctors in urban regions via web conferencing while being supervised by local doctors in smaller local clinics that may be close to their homes. As an alternative, doctors can monitor their patients' post-discharge progress toward recovery through video conferencing to ensure they are healing as anticipated. These are only a few of the numerous advantages of video conferencing in the medical field.

Save Money and Time

Doctors may spend a significant amount of time and money traveling to see patients who have been discharged. Normally, if some patients reside far from the doctor's office, this can be challenging to overcome.

Physicians can cut down on the expense and travel time associated with patient house calls by employing video conferencing. From their home or clinic office, they can monitor how well their patients are recovering. This implies that doctors do not have to travel or spend money to make "home calls."

Secures The Virtual Environment

As one would understand, medical services demand the highest level of confidentiality. Additionally, it's important to guarantee that medical records are properly safeguarded to protect patient's privacy. This is the point at which video conferencing sets itself apart from other forms of communication.

Peer-to-peer transmission is used by high-end video conferencing services like MegaMeeting. Significantly, end-to-end encryption is used for data transmission to and from specific meeting participants. As a result, video conferencing is safe, protecting the patient's privacy. Few other forms of communication can accomplish that.

Provide Customized Services

One of the numerous advantages of video conferencing in healthcare is that it enables medical professionals to customize the services they offer, including getting in touch and communicating with patients "in person" far more frequently than they would otherwise. The use of video conferencing technology enables patients to speak with their doctors whenever necessary; depending on the configuration, they can virtually see their doctors whenever they want. Through video conferencing, doctors can develop more enduring ties with their patients, which increases patient loyalty. Importantly, video conferencing enables this without requiring the hiring of additional people.

10 Applications Of Video Call Center For Healthcare

Pre Screening Patients

Determine if individuals with flu symptoms need to be referred to a hospital by pre-screening them. This worked well at preventing possible COVID patients from entering busy waiting areas and interacting with other patients.

Socializing Patients

Before COVID-19, it was commonly acknowledged in clinical research that having a loved one visit a patient had a good impact on their healthcare outcomes. Due to the strict quarantine procedures essential to prevent the COVID epidemic from spreading, this developed into a significant issue. The isolating consequences of patient care during a global pandemic have never before been experienced by U.S. healthcare teams in the modern era.

Provide Virtual Urgent Care

Giving any non-COVID ailments low-risk virtual urgent care and referring out when required This could involve everything from nausea and vomiting to a strained back. By electronically triaging the patient's symptoms, the goal was to keep individuals out of the ER and the waiting room at the doctor's office. The clinician might then make the referral or arrange the appointment if further therapy required a patient encounter or an x-ray was required.

Offer virtual counseling  

Providing virtual counseling for emotional and behavioral health, as well as advice on diet and weight management. This was crucial because as COVID dragged on, our sensation of isolation grew.

Following Up With Patients After A Hospital Stay

After the surgery or hospital stay, numerous procedures necessitate routine examinations or other forms of patient monitoring. Video conferencing can be used to monitor distant patients and may even prevent them from needing to be readmitted to the hospital after being discharged.

Offer A Bedside Medical Consultation

Providing a bedside medical visit without placing the patient or clinician in danger of COVID transmission at a nursing home or assisted living facility. Medical video conferencing can still help long-term care patients in this way after COVID.

Provide Services For Rural Patients

Rural patients can obtain specialist care from doctors in urban regions via web conferencing while being supervised by local doctors by visiting smaller local clinics that may be close to their homes. As an alternative, doctors can monitor their patients' post-discharge progress toward recovery through video conferencing to make sure they are healing as anticipated. These are only a few of the numerous advantages of video conferencing in the medical field.

>>> Read more: How Does Call Center Software Benefit Healthcare?

Monitoring Chronic Illnesses 

Keeping an eye on chronic conditions like blood pressure or blood sugar levels for diabetes This is crucial since four out of ten American individuals have multiple chronic illnesses that necessitate ongoing monitoring and care, and six out of ten American adults have a chronic disease.

Provide peer-to-peer training

Video call centers provide inpatient or outpatient consultations, as well as peer-to-peer education and training to residents and other healthcare professionals.

Increasing Referrals 

Video call centers provide patients and their families with preparation for advance care directives or counseling to record their wishes for end-of-life care.

StringeeX's Video Contact Center For Healthcare 

Healthcare providers can refer to Stringee's Video Contact Center to help doctors, nurses take care of patients from a distance. Stringee provides Video Call API/SDK that can be easily integrated into any website or mobile app. Businesses can merge our solution straight to the current CRM system, helping agents support customers more efficiently.

Contact us to get full advice from our teams!