
The ultimate goal of businesses is to convert those interested in their products and services into real customers. But first, you need to generate more quality leads or prospective customers. So, which activities will not help with lead generation? Continue reading to get the answer!

Which Activities Will Not Help With Lead Generation?

Lack Of Clarity

Lacking clarity or a specific plan is the biggest mistake when working on lead generation. Similarly, employing many different strategies and lead generation campaigns at once also leads to nowhere. 

First, you should determine the target audience and their profile. Then, set a detailed plan with a realistic goal and test only one lead generation strategy. Rule out any activities that prove ineffective to save time and money.

Make a detailed plan before focusing on lead generation. Source: Pix4free

Wrong Target Audience

Imagine trying to sell a T-shirt for those searching for a hat. All your generation efforts and money for marketing will go down the drain if you don’t target the right people. Conduct market research and thoroughly analyse your current customer base to gain a deeper understanding of buyer personas. Once you get their needs and preferences, tailor your content and align your product development to their demands.

Buying Email Lists

Some companies assume that buying email lists is the quickest way to reach a more expansive customer base. But that might be a hit-or-miss! Since you can’t analyse those contacts in advance, there is a high risk that many of them are not interested in your products or services. 

Building an organic and authentic email list tailored for your business is always better. This also ensures a higher response rate when sending marketing emails.

Ineffective Promotional Tactics

Businesses can be perplexed when working with various marketing channels. Sometimes, they can employ promotional tactics on the improper platform and drive few or no leads for the company. 

Pro marketers advise you to invest more marketing efforts into establishing your credibility beforehand. 

One reliable strategy to boost your trustworthiness is creating thought leadership content. This makes your company a reliable source for customers to turn to.

Over-Reliance On Social Media Without Strategy

While social media is a goldmine for content marketing, venturing into these platforms without well-planned strategies is the formula for failure. One of the common pitfalls is to mindlessly flood your customers’ newsfeeds with countless social media posts without specific purposes and target audiences. 

Each platform is a diverse ecosystem with different demographics. You should analyse the audience and create tailored content that resonates with users.

Don’t rely too much on social media. Source: Flickr

Non-Strategic Cold-Calling

Cold-calling is a strategic approach to informing customers of your products and services. However, picking up a random customer’s number and calling them blindly can’t yield positive results. Doing so might even annoy customers and drive them away.

Research your prospects carefully, identify their pain points, and deliver customised messages that are helpful for them. The key is to give valuable information that resolves your customers’ issues. In this regard, StringeeX can help you with an automated omnichannel contact centre.


Random Acts Of Marketing

Doing business is no gambling, and there’s no room for random acts of marketing. Every move should be planned carefully and strategically to ensure it can generate leads. Some mistakes are inconsistent branding and irrelevant content. 

When promoting your products or services on different channels, ensure the brand message and image stay consistent. Otherwise, customers might doubt your credibility. Also, only focus on relevant, valuable content that solves problems or showcases your expertise.

Overly Promotional & Poor-Quality Content

When it comes to marketing, you don’t want your content to appear salesy or unprofessional. Overly promotional content can backfire, deterring potential buyers. Instead, aim for informative and educational content and integrate your products, services, or brand message into those posts.

The same goes for poor-quality content, which sounds irrelevant or contains mistakes, typos, etc. These blunders only undermine trust and discourage customers from taking the next step in the buyer’s journey.

No Follow-Ups

Lead generation alone can’t generate revenue; your business has to nurture leads, guide them through the sales funnel, and finally converse into sales. If you neglect follow-ups, your customers might not feel valued and lose their interest over time. The worst-case scenario is that your ideal customers might flock to your competitors for a better experience.

Therefore, set up a lead-nurturing strategy to take care of your customers, including personalised outreach, targeted content, and automated email sequences. This will keep your brand name top-of-mind, boosting the conversation rate.

Blind Event Sponsorship

Event sponsorship is an effective approach to polishing your brand name and expanding your reach to potential customers. However, sponsoring without strategies can lead to the otherwise. Research carefully and only invest in events that attract your target audience.

Set up clear business goals to maximise the ROI during the event. Don’t forget to follow up with those potential customers at the events, or it will be a waste of money.

Ignoring SEO

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is part and parcel of driving organic traffic and leads to a website. The lack of SEO deters potential leads who are searching for solutions that your business can provide. This involves optimising website content and structure, using meta tags, and inserting backlinks for relevant keywords.

These lead generation tactics help your website come out on top among the ocean of content when a customer searches for a relevant query. However, overreliance on SEO is also not recommended. You don’t want your content to appear robotic and emotionless. The key is to strike a balance between SEO and engaging, valuable content.

Invest more on Search Engine Optimization. Source: Needpix

Neglecting Customer Referrals

Your existing customers are potential brand ambassadors who can spread positive word of mouth about your offerings. Instead of casting a nest on a new customer segment, focusing on the current customer base can generate more leads.

Their authentic reviews and feedback are a testament to your quality, enhancing customer loyalty and attracting new buyers.

3 AI Activities That Will Not Help Generate Lead

Unsupervised Chatbots

AI chatbots are powerful tools that assist your customer service and increase customer engagement and experience. However, without human supervision, there is room for errors, like irrelevant and inaccurate answers.

So, even when your customer service department works automatically, don’t forget to train and monitor those chatbots carefully and step in when necessary.

Automated Social Media Posting & Email Campaign

While AI-powered tools can streamline your social media content distribution by scheduling posts, relying solely on automation can make your online presence feel robotic and impersonal. To avoid this, strike a balance between automated content and genuine human interaction.

Overly Automated Personalized Contents

AI-powered personalization can be a powerful tool for boosting lead generation, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Over-reliance on automation can lead to generic, impersonal interactions that leave prospects feeling like just another number.

For example, consider customising your message with a specific reference to the prospect's industry, recent news, or a shared interest instead of sending a generic email. This shows that you've done your research and care about their unique needs.

The Best Strategies To Generate Leads

There are some effective strategies you can employ to generate more leads:

  • SEO optimization: Optimise your website based on SEO requirements to ensure it ranks high on the search engine. This helps it reach more potential leads.
  • Landing page: Landing pages can directly turn a visitor into a buyer with just one click. So, it’s recommended that you offer some special deals on your landing page to attract more clicks and leads.
  • Address pain point: First, do research on your customer base to understand their problems. Then, try to address their pain points. It can be as simple as producing a series of video tutorials on your website or developing new features for your products.


Now, you know which activities will not help with lead generation. Try to avoid these pitfalls and research well before implementing any lead generation activities and marketing campaigns. If you have other issues with marketing or customer support tools, feel free to contact StringeeX!