
WhatsApp can be more than just a messaging app, and many Indian businesses seem to realize this potential, given how WhatsApp marketing in India has quickly become a common practice. Let’s look into all the reasons behind its popularity and some tips to remember when incorporating this strategy into your large-scale campaigns. 

Better Customer Engagement

Some claim that WhatsApp is not different from social media or any common blasting message. But that’s far from the case; with WhatsApp, you can have real-time conversations with customers and easily provide personalized advice. 

The constant, back-and-forth interaction builds trust over time and sets the stage for a stronger relationship. 

It would be even better if these exchanges occur during customers’ buying experience, as they can enquire you directly about the products, get recommendations, and even complete transactions directly within the chat! The simpler their buying journeys, the more loyal and engaged they will likely become. 

You can take one step further and segment your audience with WhatsApp for future targeted messages. Given how the content and promotions adapt to specific preferences, your customers will feel valued and heard and, as a result, are more willing to interact with the messages! 

Also, why not create WhatsApp groups for loyalty programs or niche interests? If you want to foster a sense of community among your customers, there’s no better way. Since they have a huge platform to interact with others and share experiences about your brand, you will find yourself recruiting quite a few voluntary brand advocates along the way! 

A Wider Global Reach

You can extend your reach beyond India’s boundaries (Image source: WallpaperFlare). 

With over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide by the time of this writing, WhatsApp has proven to be a global force. This vast user base allows your business to connect with potential customers in virtually any country far beyond India’s borders! 

And that’s not all; language barriers are also transcended. As long as you can translate your messages (or leverage common features like auto-translate), communicating with thousands of customers who speak different languages will no longer be a challenge. Needless to say, it opens doors to many new markets and demographics you can’t even imagine! 

The best part is that WhatsApp marketing can be carried out on a huge, global scale without sacrificing your brand’s local presence. Given how WhatsApp is widely used for everyday communication in many countries, your availability on this app will allow direct customer support on a platform familiar to most audiences. That’s how you strengthen trust and build stronger relationships with them in the long run! 

Effective Teamwork

There are many functionalities within the WhatsApp ecosystem (e.g., the WhatsApp Business API) that can be leveraged to improve communication and collaboration within your marketing!

For instance, the Business API allows for a shared team inbox where multiple team members can access and respond to customer inquiries. No more confusion about who’s handling which conversation; your brand will ensure a faster, more consistent response for customers.  

Each member can also add internal notes to specific customer chats to provide context and background information for colleagues who might jump in later! Assigning conversations to specific team members based on expertise is also highly recommended, guaranteeing your customers are always connected to the best, most capable people when addressing current pain points. 

The same goes for the remaining aspects of the campaign; faster communication through WhatsApp keeps everyone on the same page about everything. 

Since team members easily brainstorm ideas together, share instant updates, and coordinate marketing efforts in real-time, the campaign execution directly benefits from that. You will find it much easier to make informed decisions to address unexpected issues now that everyone on the team is involved!

We suggest integrating WhatsApp features with other tools like the virtual call center StringeeX for even more convenience. It can monitor and store customers’ data across various social channels besides WhatsApp (such as Facebook, email, Twitter, etc.), further streamlining project management and data sharing. 


You don’t have to spend billions acquiring new leads (Image source: Pxhere). 

At its heart, the strategy simply leverages the free WhatsApp application; you should be able to create a profile, connect with customers, or send basic messages with barely any upfront cost. That’s why WhatsApp marketing is accessible to businesses of all sizes, especially startups or those with limited budgets! 

Furthermore, data usage for daily WhatsApp communication is also significantly cheaper than most traditional marketing channels. After all, it relies mostly on Internet data, which is available worldwide and much more affordable than SMS marketing; you can reach beyond India to customers from any country without breaking the bank. 

The high open rates/engagement on WhatsApp translates to an even more cost-effective approach, given how more than 2 billion customers are already actively using the platform (as mentioned earlier). You no longer have to spend billions on acquiring new leads! 

Higher Conversion Rate

Given all the benefits above, it’s unsurprising your conversion rate will significantly boost! One-on-one conversations allow you to address customer concerns more directly, and all promotions can also be adjusted to specific customer interests to urge them to take action.

Also, do you know WhatsApp is one of the best platforms for sending time-bound offers or limited-quantity promotions (either through a WhatsApp group or broadcast)? As long as they are timed properly, these exclusive offers usually create a sense of urgency that encourages customers to convert as quickly as possible before the discounts/benefits expire. 

And don’t forget that seeking customers’ reviews and testimonials is relatively easier on WhatsApp than with most other communication channels. You can share this positive feedback to build trust and convince other potential customers of the values your products have been offering all along! 

Factors To Consider When Choosing Software For WhatsApp Marketing In India

Many software options are available on the marketplace if you want to start your WhatsApp marketing strategies; an example is the StringeeX solution we mentioned earlier. 

However, regardless of which software you decide to integrate into the workflow, make sure they have the following features: 

Building and Organizing Contact Lists

WhatsApp has strict guidelines about sending messages to users who haven't opted in. 

Therefore, a well-organized list ensures you only contact those who have explicitly consented to receive messages from your business. Plus, you will find it easier to segment your audience (based on demographics, interests, purchase history, etc.) or personalize the message for more engagement. 

Crafting Compelling Messages

Many software options offer libraries of pre-built message templates for various purposes, such as welcome messages, promotional offers, order updates, etc. They save you a lot of time while still ensuring consistent messaging across your campaign!

Also, since texts are not always attention-grabbing and informative, you should consider software that can help you embed rich media content, such as images, videos, or GIFs, within the messages. 

Scheduling and Automating Messages

Automated messages allow your brand to stay present even after working hours (Image source: Pxhere). 

Manually sending messages to large audiences can be incredibly time-consuming. However, with automated scheduling, they will be delivered consistently (even outside regular business hours), allowing you to reach customers when they’re most active and keep the brand at the forefront of their minds! 

Even better, many businesses take another step and create workflows that trigger specific messages based on customer actions or behavior. For instance, you can send a welcome message upon subscribing or a follow-up message after a purchase.

Monitoring/Analyzing Performance

A rule of thumb for any marketing campaign (not just WhatsApp) is always to track metrics! Key indicators like open rates, click-through rates, response rates to your messages, etc., reveal how well your content resonates with the audience and help pinpoint areas for future improvement. 

Furthermore, performance monitoring sets the stage for better assessment of ongoing trends regarding customer behaviors and engagement. From there, you can adapt your messaging strategy accordingly based on what works best for each targeted demographic. 

Complying With Data Privacy Regulations

Showing respect for user privacy helps strengthen their trust in your brand; not to mention, any signal of violation of data privacy regulations will result in fines or, worse, legal penalties. 

Knowing your software is safe for customers and 100% legal, you will be able to focus more on what really matters (the ongoing campaign) without constantly worrying about the consequences.

Extra: Mistakes To Avoid For WhatsApp Marketing In India

Do not spam your customers or send messages at the wrong time (Image source: Public Domain Pictures). 

  • Spamming: Do not spam your customers; nobody likes unsolicited messages! As we mentioned, you should only send messages to users who have explicitly opted-in to receive them.
  • Sending Messages At The Wrong Time: Sending messages too early in the morning, late at night, or on weekends might come across as intrusive. Regardless of the nature of the campaign, it’s a must to consider their time zone or typical activity patterns (sometimes both if you are working with non-Indian customers)
  • No Follow-Up:  If customers respond to your messages, ensure you have a system in place to respond promptly and address their inquiries. Leaving them hanging will only harm the brand’s image.


WhatsApp marketing in India will witness even more impressive growth in the near future; if you do not want to fall behind, this beginner guide is a great place to start. Contact us if you still have any questions!