
As modern services and products are increasingly multi-layered, customer issues can no longer be easily handled via simple text or email. 

Constant, direct interactions between the agents and customers become the key to success, which explains why businesses have begun to integrate in-app voice call API in their websites and mobile applications. Our article will give you further insights into this rising trend. 

Integrate In-App Voice Call API: What Is Its Benefits?

It is cost-effective and helps agents address customer issues better (Image source: Freerangestock). 

1. It Is Cost Effective

When assisted by advanced voice call APIs, businesses and customers no longer have to deal with expensive international phone services.

Furthermore, these APIs can scale themselves to accommodate increased call volume, which helps minimize the need for extra infrastructure investment. This leverage is a significant step up from traditional phone systems with expensive maintenance and PBX

Some API models even take another step and offer flexible pricing packages based on usage. That means you only have to pay for the minutes you spent on these calls instead of fixed monthly charges for unused lines, further cutting down any unnecessary expenses. 

2. It Introduces More Advanced Features

From our observation, in-app voice chat APIs offer a much broader array of additional features than traditional phone systems, which elevates them into a dynamic and very versatile communication solution for any modern business. 

Beyond simple voice communication, APIs foster richer collaboration through screen sharing, file sharing, and video conferencing. 

You can also integrate interactive elements (e.g., live annotations, quizzes, and polls) during calls to make them more productive and engaging. User-centric control is also more seamless than ever, thanks to call recording/transcription options and customized greetings - a feat that traditional phone calls could never achieve. 

Likewise, consistent app experiences are one of the most important elements of quality customer service. That is all the more reason to acknowledge the irreplaceable role of voice calling. As an integral part of the app, it will eliminate all risks of context switching for a smoother, more unified user journey. 

Furthermore, APIs allow hassle-free syncing of call data with all other app functionalities, such as integrating call logs with CRM systems or triggering specific actions based on calls. The provided real-time call analytics and insights also empower your business to track usage patterns and make data-driven decisions! 

3. It Allows Your Business to Understand Customers Better

Unlike text-based communication, voice calls allow agents to capture tone, inflection, or any other non-verbal cue that could reflect the customer’s emotions more clearly. 

Coupled with the interactive nature of direct conversations, you can probe deeper into the issues to gain a better, more in-depth understanding of their perspectives. Asynchronous communication, like emails or chat logs, is unlikely to yield the same results.

Studies on millions of users also point out that a more personal connection makes customers feel valued and heard, encouraging them to be more open and honest about their problems. Hence, the solutions you propose not just simply help resolve all existing conflicts; they also go a long way in building long-term customer loyalty. 

Also, any confusion or misunderstandings (if any) can be clarified instantly during the call to ensure both sides are on the same page. With no more back-and-forth clarifications (like with emails or messages) getting in the way, the agents can now dedicate more time to developing the most suitable resolutions. 

How to Integrate In-App Voice Call API into Your Apps or Websites

StringeeX is one of the most effective voice call solutions (Image source: StringeeX). 

1. A Look Into StringeeX Call API

As one of the pioneering technologies in Vietnam, StringeeX Voice Call APIs are considered the best solutions for quality, cloud-based voice call applications. Once StringeeX API is integrated into the mobile device app or website, your business can:

  • Make peer-to-peer/ app-to-app calls or app-to-phone/ outbound calls
  • Manage and receive inbound calls: rejecting, recording & storing calls, transferring calls to the app, etc. 
  • Create conference or multi-party calls
  • Build mobile apps that scale with your chosen website technologies
  • Buy telephone numbers dynamically
  • Use SIP interfaces to expand your infrastructure
  • Control the JSON’s flow of phone calls using SCCO (StringeeX Call Control Objects).

Other than in-app features for voice calls, StringeeX is also widely recognized as one of the most inclusive programmable contact centers, where interactions with customers from multiple platforms can be monitored on one single interface. 

This design saves agents a lot of time from switching between communication channels and also ensures a better, more consistent user experience with the brand or service.

2. How to Integrate It

To use Stringee Voice API, make sure you have already created a Stringee account. Then, open a new project on the StringeeX Dashboard, where you can buy telephone numbers for phone-to-app and app-to-phone calls. Feel free to skip that step if your business mostly relies on app-to-app voice calls.  

Finally, configure answer_url, add the voice SDK, and connect to the StringeeX server to finalize the setup. StringeeX has compiled detailed information and codes for all these critical stages, which you can learn here

2 Extra Tips When Talking with Customers Over Voice Chat App

1. Choose Your Words and Tone Carefully

Highlight the positive and use active voice (Image source: Pickpik). 

We all agree the human voice has an undeniable power to connect, but only when applied properly. Even a small slip of the tongue might shatter customers' trust in your service and, in the worst-case scenario, result in a lasting negative impression.

During the call, try to mirror their emotions using emphatic phrases: “That sounds difficult.” “I understand your frustration.” Simple as they might sound, these words indicate you acknowledge their feelings and try your best to make them feel heard. 

To further show them you are actively listening and look forward to mutual understanding, summarize and repeat the customer’s key points in your own words. Still, that does not mean you should use jargon or technical terms; customers would feel confused or alienated. Instead, focus on simplicity. 

Most importantly, always try to highlight the positive. Do not say, “This feature isn’t available.”  You can convey the same information in a better, more hopeful tone: “We’re working on this exciting feature for the future.” Solutions and future possibilities should always be the center of your responses.

And likewise, active voice is power. Customers will feel more reassured hearing "I will investigate this issue" rather than a vague promise: "The issue will be investigated."


  • No rambling; you should respect the customer’s time and get to the point quickly. Only mention the most relevant information. 
  • From our observation, a powerful yet overlooked tip when using voice call apps is to focus on “we” and not “you.” Rather than placing blame or responsibility on anyone, adopt collaborative language instead: “Let’s work together to find a solution.”
  • Sometimes, filler words like "Um," "Like," or "You know" might detract from your professionalism. Make sure you and your agents understand how to carry out concise, clear communication.

2. Offer As Many Alternatives As Possible

Offer diverse and creative alternatives (Image source: Pexels). 

When the customer approaches you with an unresolved issue, offering them the right solutions is clearly the secret weapon here. It demonstrates both your professionalism and genuine care for the customer, showing them you are determined to get down to the root of the problem no matter what. 

To do that, you must actively listen to what they say and dive deeper than the surface to uncover their preferences and underlying needs.

Do not settle for the first (and most of the time, very obvious) solution. Instead, you should list diverse alternatives that cater to varying requirements and constraints! Try to think outside the box and come up with unexpected but powerful alternative products, services, features, workarounds, etc.


  • Explain each option in plain language. Do not just highlight its benefits; you should be just as transparent about its limitations and trade-offs.
  • Prioritize options that best address the customer's needs, but don't shy away from less popular solutions.
  • For a better customer experience, avoid pushing specific options or pressuring app users into a choice they're unsure about. Most customers, especially Indians, value harmony and mutual respect during all conversations.
  • Sometimes, the best solution isn't an either/or. You can combine elements from different options to create a customized solution that fits the customer's needs! 

And a bonus: Offer a fallback plan! Sometimes, even the best-laid plans go awry. Having another plan in store reassures the customer you are 100% committed to finding a solution, even when the first option doesn't work out.


Learning to integrate in-app voice call API with powerful voice call solutions like StringeeX has become the go-to choice for businesses of varying sectors. And technological aspects aside, you should also keep in mind our two extra communication tips to handle all customer interactions more successfully. 

Write to us if you still have questions that need addressing.